Bargaining Update: May 2, 2024

CAUSE & CUSD Finally Update



District Employees & Colleagues,

Today in Bargaining:

1.) Although we have not reached any agreements in the 23-24 negotiating cycle, the Union and District have resolved updating the terribly outdated CERTIFICATED Collective Bargaining Agreement [CERTIFICATED CBA].  And it only took 6 years!  No longer is the CBA labeled 2018-2019.  Alas, many years of contract agreements have been included and can be found in areas relevant to the TABLE OF CONTENTS.

We are pleased to publish the updated version titled, CERTIFICATED Collective Bargaining Agreement [CBA] – CUSD . CAUSE – Final. Version. May 2.2024.

To ensure that you are in the possession of the correct CERTIFICATED contract moving forward, CAUSE Leadership encourages ALL CERTIFICATED employees to remove any previous contracts in their possession, and download / print this version immediately.

2.) Unfortunately, we ran out of time to submit employees’ proposed improvements contained in the, CAUSE – CERTIFICATED – Article 6: Compensation & Benefits Proposal.  But the bargaining partners did schedule an additional two bargaining dates to invest more time towards that objective.  Therefore, the bargaining partners will meet on the following dates:

* May 16, 2024 –  Thursday

* May 20, 2024 –  Monday

* May 30, 2024 –  Thursday

* June 3, 2024 –   Monday

3.) Finally, the District provided a less than motivating counter proposal [attached].  This was their response to the variety of improvements proposed by District employees in, CLASSIFIED Article 6: Compensation & Benefits Proposals (PARTS  A & B).

Moving forward:

Given how thoroughly the District rejected employees’ proposals, it is clear that District Leadership needs to hear from District employees directly.

Please take a moment to share your stories, experiences, concerns, and opportunities for improvement with your colleagues, District Leadership, and the community.  We STRONGLY encourage District employees to make their voices heard in the coming weeks.

District School Board meetings will be held on the following dates:

* Tuesday, May 14, 2024 @ 5:30PM – Carpinteria City Hall

* Tuesday, May 28, 2024 @ 5:30PM – Carpinteria City Hall

But there are many ways to participate.  Please review the attached list of opportunities and ask yourself what you can do to support employees, students, and their families.

Full ahead !

~ CAUSE Leadership


C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *
