Collective Bargaining Update

Feb. 1, 2023


Good afternoon, District Employees,

At the outset of today’s bargaining session, the District was required to provide counter-proposals for all three open contract articles.   CAUSE reviewed these and sought clarification as required.  In short, the District’s proposals failed to address many of the interests contained in the Union’s previous proposals, but they did include a few changes; of significance, an effort to “cap” employee healthcare.

Based on the feedback we recently received from our recent CAUSE SURVEY on this topic, Union leadership adjusted its proposals (slightly) and provided these to the District in response.   We have attached the Union’s three counter-proposals to this ADVISORY.

In the next few days, we will again survey our members to determine your support for an agreement and/or willingness to advocate for the interests contained in the Union’s proposals.

In Unity,

~ CAUSE Leadership


* C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *