Update: CUSD * CLASSIFIED Bargaining

Session # 1 – April 4, 2023


District Employees, Faculty, Counselors, and Support Staff,

This Tuesday, April 4, 2023, the CAUSE CLASSIFIED BARGAINING TEAM met with the CUSD to continue the process of CLASSIFIED collective bargaining (i.e. negotiations).

At the outset, the Union again confirmed the historic practice that the wage and benefits agreements, reached during the CERTIFICATED BARGAINING process, serve as the foundation for any further CLASSIFIED discussions.   We’re pleased that the District acknowledged the same expectation, and built this expectation into CUSD’s initial proposal. (CUSD – Classified Proposal . April 4. 2023)   Although the District’s proposal fails to address several contract improvements that would support students, employees, and their families, it is a start.   We are also pleased that the District acknowledged that it was required to withdraw its CLASSIFIED contract-opener associated with PROFESSIONAL WORK DAY, as there is no such article in the CLASSIFIED contract.


Moving forward:

Good proposals and agreements are based on good information.  In February, 2023, CAUSE leadership began pursuing critical information directly related to the CLASSIFIED Bargaining process. (_ Information Request – RE- $2,000 Hiring Bonuses_INFORMATION REQUEST RE- Data, Statements, & External Agency and Business Partners _ Human Resources PPT Presentation @ CUSD Board Meeting Oct. 25, 2022 _)  Because the District had not provided a response, or arrived with the requested data, the Union resubmitted our requests for information; including several new questions that would better inform our discussions. (CAUSE – CLASSIFIED Questions (Initial) Contract Bargaining April 4, 2023)


The Union patiently awaits the District’s responses, as CUSD is obligated to provide the information relevant to our bargaining efforts.  In the meantime, we continue to develop our initial CLASSIFIED proposals, which cover the following contract articles:

  • Article 6: Compensation and Benefits
  • Article 14: Safety
  • Article 12: Leave Provisions


SURVEY (Member Priorities):

If you would like a better idea of the priorities CAUSE is focusing on, as we develop our proposals, you may review Q#2 from our recent CAUSE SURVEY. ()   CAUSE Leadership appreciates the participation of those CLASSIFIED employees who completed the survey and clarified their interests and priorities.

If you have yet to complete the survey, please take a moment to do so by following this link:



Communication & Participation:

As we continue the bargaining process, all members are strongly encouraged to provide us with their personal contact information:


  • full name & School Site
  • cell #
  • personal email address


This will allow CAUSE Leadership to communicate with District employees directly, while avoiding any obstruction associated with the use of email accounts.



Our next bargaining session is scheduled for April 19, 2023.  Please stay tuned for further communications on these matters.  Your participation and engagement is critical to the collective bargaining process and the results we can achieve.

In Unity,



  • j. Hotchner * CAUSE President
  • Gina Marchand * CAUSE Secretary
  • Arna Crittendon * CAUSE Representative
  • Cynthia Crewdson * CAUSE Representative
  • Felicity Moore * Retiree & Union Scribe
  • Kassi Harris – CFT Regional Representative


C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *