Jan. 25, 2022 – School Board Meeting

Is this what democracy looks like in CUSD?


Happy Friday, CUSD !   : )

This week, CAUSE leadership began using a new tool to improve our communications and outreach with both members and District stakeholders.  We appreciate your patience as we better learn how to use this form of media.  In our group-text, we attempted to alert recipients to the January 25th School Board meeting, where significant decisions are underway; redistricting being just one.

CAUSE Leadership believes that CUSD employees may be unaware of many School Board decisions that will dramatically impact the professional culture, working conditions, and workplace environments across the District.  In regard to the structural opportunities designed to better inform these decisions, CAUSE Leadership is concerned that CUSD’s employees and stakeholders are missing their chance.

Perhaps you also believe the image (above) say a great deal?



Moving forward, CAUSE Leadership wants to encourage each of you to consider how you might communicate directly with our School Board members.  We continue to encourage District personnel to play a more direct role communicating with our School Board Trustees.  It is clear, by way of their decisions, there remains much opportunity to better inform the School Board’s decision making.

Remember, our School Board Trustees live locally.  School board politicians are both elected and live in the community.  They are supposed to be directly accessible to the community members they serve.

Please consider how you can:

*  build relationships with them

* contact them directly and consistently

* approach them in and around town, so as to constructively share your insights and experiences

* attend Board meetings, write them letters, send them an email (addresses provided in the CC field above), and alert District families (i.e. the Board’s constituency) to the conditions experienced across the District.

Finally, as many requested the January 25th, Board Meeting link, we are providing it below:

In Unity,

~ j. Hotchner * CAUSE President


C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *