D.O. & CANALINO Elementary Intruder Event

Exposes SAFETY Concerns

Is it time to return to previously effective SAFETY practices?


Dear CUSD Community,

In light of recent events involving intruders on CUSD District Office and CANALINO ELEMENTARY School Sites (April 13, 2023), Union Leadership is compelled to ask the question: Is it time to return to previously effective SAFETY practices?

Union Leadership and District parents, working together, wish to remind District Leadership of past practices that once served to reinforce the CUSD’s overall SAFETY posture.   These initiatives were informed by and implemented by robust SCHOOL-SITE SAFETY COMMITTEES across the District, which all coordinated with a thoroughly engaged CUSD SAFETY COMMITTEE working with external agency partners, including representatives from:

* City and State Law Enforcement

*  Local Fire & Rescue

* the City of Carpinteria

* SB County “Ready – Set – Prepare”


* HOPE.Net, & related Mental Health organizations

Currently, if these SCHOOL-SITE & DISTRICT SAFETY COMMITTEES still exist, they are entirely unrecognizable.  Under Superintendent Rigby’s guidance, these committees, their impact on SAFETY, and their transparency have been greatly reduced.   Union Leadership takes no pleasure in sharing that the result of these reductions has left the District’s and School-Site’s SAFETY responses comparably jeopardized; as seen when examining recent responses to SAFETY matters across the District.

Therefore, Union Leadership will share and remind District leadership and the CUSD Community of several value added and comparatively inexpensive SAFETY initiatives, which existed upon the arrival of the Superintendent just a few years ago:

1.) Standardized School-Site / Facility Visitor Registration Processes

2.) District-Wide Security Badging: for District Personnel, Routine Visitors (i.e. Substitute Teachers, Parent Helpers, Mentors, Contractors, etc.) & Guest Visitors

3.) Single Access Points @ School-Site / Facility: during Instructional & After School Program Hours

* Including maps and charts of ALL ACCESS points, confirming their expected status throughout each School-Site’s/Facility’s daily schedules (i.e Regular Day, Early Release Day, Minimum Day, et.) [previously excluding CHS]

4.) District-Wide CPR & First Aid Training: w/ annual Certification offered to all interested District employee and parent

    * The Union  would be open to contractualized expectations related to CPR/First Aid Training

5.) Monthly Inventory of School-Site EMERGENCY Communication Systems:  

*  Office/Classroom Phones, emergency call buttons (GEN 7), Bell tones, fire alarms, etc.

* consider purchase of system/s such as CRISIS-GO

7.) SCHOOL-SITE/FACILITY SAFETY COMMITTEES: Return to robust and inclusive posture

     * to include parents, site-administrators, counselors, student representative/s, site faculty & support staff, school-site union representatives,

* meeting at least monthly; sharing and receiving information (in the form of formal minutes, recommendations, concerns, etc.) directly w/ the CUSD SAFETY COMMITTEE

* w/ stipends paid to faculty & support staff serving in committee positions

8.) DISTRICT SAFETY COMMITTEE:  Return to robust and inclusive posture

* to include CUSD Superintendent, CUSD HR Director, School Site-Principal, CUSD Department Directors / Supervisors , elected Union representatives, HS student representative, Mental Health specialist, External Agency Partners (ex. Law, Fire & Rescue, Carpinteria Planning, SB County Ready, Set, Prepare, etc.), & Parent Leaders/PTA Presidents

* meeting at least monthly; sharing & receiving information (in the form of formal minutes, recommendations, concerns, etc.) directly w/ the SCHOOL SITE SAFETY COMMITTEES & the CUSD SCHOOL BOARD

* w/ stipends paid to faculty & support staff serving in committee positions

9.)  HOUR-ZERO Training and Protocols: Re-invigoration of training & implementation protocols

10.) EMERGENCY / MEDICAL SHEDS (per School-Site): Stocked with routine medical supplies in the event of emergency

11.) MONTHLY STATUS CHECKS EMERGENCY Supplies: Emergency buckets, fire extinguishers, evacuation / first aid bags, walkie-talkies, etc.

Working with parents and the School Board, we are confident these initiatives could be re-implemented to greater effect, to ensure the SAFETY of our students, colleagues, employees, and CUSD families.   Those interested in advocating and working towards these improvements may contact Union Leadership Directly at:

Our Leadership team looks forward to working with all interested parents, employees, community members &/or partners committed to improving the SAFETY conditions for our students and staff.

Towards improvement!

~ j. Hotchner * CAUSE President



C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *




Session # 2: April 19, 2023

[ Focusing on Article 14: SAFETY ]



Today’s Session # 2:

The bargaining partners, CAUSE & CUSD, met today to negotiate over the CLASSIFIED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT CAUSE-CUSD CLASSIFIED AGREEMENT 2018-19 ].

According to the laws that govern the collective bargaining process, the Union is entitled to information that directly pertains to employee contracts.  Since the District arrived without important fiscal information previously requested by the Union in February, 2023, CAUSE’s team acknowledged that it could not provide the District with a well informed proposal on Article 6, COMPENSATION & BENEFITS.  Therefore, we instead resubmitted our previous information requests, while seeking further clarification upon the District’s hiring practices, HEALTHCARE enrollment data, and predicted versus actual budget figures.    In doing so, the Union provided the District even more time to resolve its obligations associated with the requested information.

The Union team then immediately pivoted to a priority objective, further developing its, 1st PROPOSAL * CLASSIFIED Article 14: SAFETYCLASSIFIED CAUSE Proposal (1st) ARTICLE 14 SAFETY 2022-23.fin

Union leadership remains laser focused on the SAFETY of District students and employees. Putting our money where our mouths are, the Union demonstrated its commitment to student and employee SAFETY by encouraging the District to contractualize a variety of SAFETY focused best-practices.  These SAFETY best-practices would not only require District administration, but also require District personnel to take increased professional responsibility for maintaining a more effective District SAFETY environment.   Fortunately, the bargaining partners would not need to reinvent the wheel here.  When Superintendent Rigby arrived to the District, the SAFETY initiatives proposed by the Union were in force across the District.  Returning to a more effective SAFETY posture could be a matter of re-investing in and re-implementing these proposed SAFETY best-practices and protocols.

Prior to the end of the meeting, Union’s team submitted its finalized 1st PROPOSAL * CLASSIFIED Article 14: SAFETY.    We pointed the District to the bulk of the newly proposed language, which contained the SAFETY best-practices and protocols mentioned above. These can primarily be found in the 2nd half of the proposal.


In Full Transparency

[ Union Leadership recognizes that Superintendent Rigby’s influence over the last 5 years, which was been supported by the CUSD School Board, has severely undermined the District’s SAFETY posture.  This has recently been further demonstrated by the District’s response to the intruder event at the District Office & CANALINO ELEMENTARY school on Thursday, April 13, 2023.   Although the District wholly rejected the Union’s SAFETY proposals in the CERTIFICATED Bargaining environment, we hope the intruder event of last week will encourage District Leadership to reconsider their decision to divest in the SAFETY of District students and employees during Superintendent Rigby’s tenure with CUSD.]


Moving Forward:

The Union intends to begin the next scheduled bargaining session (to be held on April 25, 2023) by further clarifying the value of our SAFETY  proposals and answering any questions the District may have.

Your continued support and engagement is critical to informing our conversations with administration, the School Board, and the CUSD community.   Please consider joining us at the next CUSD School Board Meeting (also scheduled for April 25, 2023 * City Hall @ 5:30 PM).  It is important that District employees demonstrate their support for the contract improvements being proposed, including the important SAFETY upgrades that would better protect students, employees, and their families.



In Unity,


* j. Hotchner * CAUSE President

* Gina Marchand * CAUSE Secretary

* Arna Crittendon * CAUSE Representative

* Cynthia Crewdson * CAUSE Representative

* Felicity Moore * CAUSE Retiree, Past Vice-President, & Scribe

* Kassi Harris * CFT Regional Representative



C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *




RE: Intruders On CANALINO Campus
* Thursday, April 13, 2023 *

On Thursday, April 13, 2023, two adult male trespassers (intruders) entered the CANALINO campus.  CANALINO Principal, Jamie Persoon, shared a public statement about the event in an email to staff at 2:16 p.m., as well as follow-up PARENTSQUARE posts that went to parents and staff at 2:22 p.m., and throughout the following 24 hours.



With the SAFETY of District students, employees, and families in mind, and after receiving data from concerned CANALINO faculty, support staff, and parents;  Union Leadership is compelled to provide the following information.  

* In a school-site meeting on Friday, April 14th, Sheriff Deputies revealed that there was approximately a 10 minute gap (possibly as much as 17 minutes) between the timestamp on the security photo and the 911 phone call made by a District employee.

* In the event of a similar scenario, Sheriff Deputies encouraged staff & faculty to call 911 early and often.

* Sheriff Deputies shared that if the assailants had jumped over “Roy’s fence,” they would have landed them in the D.O. parking lot, not the location where they were seen on camera.

* Sheriff Deputies also stated that in 90% of situations of thieves running through yards, being barked at by dogs would have come back the direction that they came.

* Sheriff Deputies shared that the “black suv” does not match the M.O. of thieves planning to steal from a house deeper in the cul de sac.

* Sheriff Deputies stated that trespassers/intruders entering a school campus is a misdemeanor and against the law.

* It remains unclear if Principal Persoon was either on campus and/or available at the time of the intruder event.

* Principal Persoon defended the administrative response, stating that a District Office clerical secretary was with them the whole time and had begun questioning the intruders.

* The intruders were lead through areas of the CANALINO campus where students and employees were located.

* District employees have been trained for such events; via HOUR-ZERO protocols.  In such a scenario, HOUR ZERO directs District employees (at a minimum) to call either a “HOLD & SECURE” or a “LOCK DOWN” when intruders access a school campus.

[As was enacted recently by law enforcement at CMS in November 2022 – ]


* When learning that no further investigation had been requested, faculty members from Canalino requested that an investigation be opened by the Sheriff’s Department. The deputy said that he would reach out to the Public Information Officer to look into posting the security photo on Instagram and Twitter.

* Employee Union leadership has expressed its concern; in regard to why HOUR ZERO protocols were not employed by CUSD District Office or CANALINO administration, both of whom have the authority to initiate such a response.

* Employees and Parents at CANALINO/CFS ELEMENTARY have directly shared similar concerns as to why HOUR ZERO protocols “(i.e. calling a HOLD & SECURE” or a “LOCK DOWN”) were not employed.

* Teachers and staff were informed of the incident during instructional time; via email.  Many staff reported not seeing the email until well after students had been dismissed.  In previous urgent situations, an announcement has been made on the intercom for teachers and staff to check their email.  No such announcement was made.

* There remains concern that the details shared with parents on Thursday & Friday PARENTSQUARE announcements do not match details shared by law enforcement at Friday’s meeting.   As was there concern that the PARENTSQUARE announcements did not mention the absence of protocols CUSD Administration claims employees have been trained to initiate and should use in similar circumstances.

Towards increased SAFETY,

      ~ CAUSE Leadership



C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *

CAUSE – Open Letter

CUSD Ratifies & Announces


CAUSE Demands Formal Resolution; Without Further Delay



Dear CUSD Superintendent Diane Rigby:

Union Leadership has learned that CUSD Leadership, at its last CUSD School Board Meeting (held on April 11, 2023), did not the ratify the actual TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS – CARPINTERIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT /CARPINTERIA ASSOCIATION OF UNITED SCHOOL EMPLOYEES, AFT #2216 (AFL/CIO) – March 3, 2023.

Instead, the District ratified an incorrect version of these TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS .  This is demonstrated in the District’s School Board meeting attachments found on the District’s website:

The District’s error is also demonstrated in the follow up notifications provided by your office on Friday, April 14, 2023.

In these examples, you will see that the CUSD ratified the incorrect 2024 – 2025 Calendar – TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS, where the CUSD instead ratified its last District proposal, versus our actual 2024 – 2025 Calendar – TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS.  The District’s last proposal attempted to shorten the WINTER BREAK to two weeks, which as you and District Leadership are aware, was not supported by Union Leadership or the collective employees we represent.  [ After years of back and forth on this very issue, this was not an insignificant detail ]

For the time  being, Union Leadership will act on the assumption that the District’s actions were an error.  Therefore, CAUSE Leadership demands that the District both:

(A) Act immediately to resolve this issue by taking all necessary steps to reverse its actions, correct the record, and ratify the correct TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS.

(B) Review its entire ratification efforts thoroughly, to identify other similar errors that may exist in the District’s efforts to ratify said TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS.

Meanwhile, Union Leadership hopes that this error does not further delay the District’s obligation to provide District employees retro-compensation payments associated with the SALARY & BENEFIT agreements reached in these TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS, which include an 8% increase to the salary-schedule, retro to all income tied to the salary schedule earned from July, 2022 forward.

Please feel free to contact Union Leadership if you have any questions.


~ j. Hotchner CAUSE Leadership


C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *




RETRO-PAY Checks Coming Soon !

[ Further Clarification Provided Below ]




Dear Colleagues (CUSD Certificated Employees),

CAUSE leadership is pleased to confirm that the recent TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS * 2022-23 CERTIFICATED CBA were fully executed at this Tuesday’s CUSD School Board meeting.   As we shared with the School Board and community, the process of labor negotiations has once again delivered; further demonstrating that collective bargaining employee contracts is a benefit to the District, our students, colleagues, and the community of Carpinteria.

By the end of the month, as stated by Assistant Superintendent Maureen Fitzgerald, CUSD will be providing previously earned retro-pay to all CERTIFICATED Staff employed on the date of the agreement.  This retro pay is a result of the 8% increase to all earnings tied to the CERTIFICATED Salary-Schedule, retro to July 2022.   The specific language of the agreement states…

” 6.0        Wages (2018-2019 Certificated Salary Schedule) The 2022-2023 Certificated Salary Schedule will be revised to reflect an increase of eight percent (8%), effective July 1, 2022.  Certificated unit members must be employed on the date the agreement is ratified by both parties to receive the retroactive salary payment.



Further Clarification:

In calculating your retro-pay values, employees should be aware that CUSD will calculate said values (for the retro-pay period) according to each CERTIFICATED employee’s annual salary rate, which is dependent on each individual’s specific step & column value.

Similarly, as no further restrictions were bargained in relation to the retro-pay component, the retro-pay will be extended to all earnings from service hours directly connected to said salary schedule in the CERTIFICATED Salary-Schedule.  This includes MOU’s governing compensation values earned during the retro-pay period, which were also directly connected to said salary schedule  (ex. MOUs related to Substitute or Summer School service provided during the retro-pay period ).

Some examples of extended service hours directly tied to the CERTIFICATED Salary-Schedule include:

* Department Chair Stipends

* Tutorial Hours

* Summer School Teaching hours

* Summer Professional Development

* Faculty Substitute Hours

CERTIFICATED Employees are strongly encouraged to contact (via email) the CUSD Human Resource Director, Diana Zapata (, and CUSD Payroll Technician, Lise Main (, to remind and confirm with them that you provided the District extended service beyond the routine annual salary schedule values.  Employees are welcome to CC or BCC the Union when they do this (

Although the District is required to maintain accurate records of the hours each employee worked during the retro-pay period, Union leadership believes it would be helpful to clarify the kinds of extended service you provided.  This extra-effort will support an accurate accounting of said hours on the District’s end, and clarify your own expectations and memory of the previous service you provided during the retro-pay period.


Moving Forward:

There is much for the bargaining partners to be proud of with this now ratified agreement.  Union Leadership extends its gratitude and appreciation to all of those who came forward and shared their voices, experiences, and interests, in an effort to help clarify the benefits of the proposals we were able to secure.  Your patience and participation have been instrumental throughout this process.

And again, as CLASSIFIED Bargaining is still underway, we hope that CERTIFICATED employees recognize that the support and voice of our CLASSIFIED colleagues was critical to reaching this agreement.  As Union Leadership works to resolve similar much needed improvements for our CLASSIFIED colleagues, we ask that CERTIFICATED employees please remain engaged and help the School Board and community better understand the value of District support staff.

In Unity,

~ j. Hotchner * CAUSE President




C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *


CERTIFICATED Union Members Ratify Tentative Agreements

Contract Improvements Move Forward !




CUSD Colleagues, Faculty, & Support Staff:

CAUSE Leadership is pleased to announce the ratification of recently negotiated,  TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS (2022-23 CERTIFICATED – Collective Bargaining Cycle).  In recent weeks, Union Members from across the District came forward to review and demonstrate their support for these contractual improvements.

Together with your participation, Union Leadership is proud of the work we’ve done.  We’re certain that these agreements serve to improve the District’s ability to provide critical resources in the teaching and learning environment, while better supporting our students, employees, and their families.

With this ADVISORY, we notify District Leadership that CUSD employees, as represented by CAUSE, have resolved their end of the ratification process.  The District has had a month to prepare for this outcome.  Therefore, unaware of any reason for delay, we ask that CUSD address its outstanding obligations without haste.   CAUSE encourages the District to include this topic on the upcoming School Board AGENDA, Tuesday, April 11, 2023; and immediately begin processing long overdue salary increases and subsequent retro-payments to District employees.


[Note: While reaching the TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS (2022-23 CERTIFICATED Collective Bargaining Cycle), the District’s bargaining agents confirmed the expectation that salary & benefit agreements extend to CLASSIFIED employees; as is our long historic practice.   Therefore, in regard to salary and benefit increases, these TA’s serve as the foundation for upcoming CLASSIFIED Bargaining agreements.]

Of significance, Union Leadership wants to thank District CLASSIFIED Employees, many of whom actively demonstrated their support for their CERTIFICATED colleagues’ broader interests.  We ask that CERTIFICATED employees do the same in the coming months, so as to help our School Board Members and the community better understand the value of maintaining a stable CLASSIFIED work-force, which provides critical support to our faculty colleagues, District students, and their families.

In Unity,


* Jay Hotchner – CAUSE President

* Sarah Rochlitzer – CHS Representative

* Felicity Moore – CAUSE Scribe & Retiree

* Kassi Harris – CFT Regional Representative


C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *



Update: CUSD * CLASSIFIED Bargaining

Session # 1 – April 4, 2023


District Employees, Faculty, Counselors, and Support Staff,

This Tuesday, April 4, 2023, the CAUSE CLASSIFIED BARGAINING TEAM met with the CUSD to continue the process of CLASSIFIED collective bargaining (i.e. negotiations).

At the outset, the Union again confirmed the historic practice that the wage and benefits agreements, reached during the CERTIFICATED BARGAINING process, serve as the foundation for any further CLASSIFIED discussions.   We’re pleased that the District acknowledged the same expectation, and built this expectation into CUSD’s initial proposal. (CUSD – Classified Proposal . April 4. 2023)   Although the District’s proposal fails to address several contract improvements that would support students, employees, and their families, it is a start.   We are also pleased that the District acknowledged that it was required to withdraw its CLASSIFIED contract-opener associated with PROFESSIONAL WORK DAY, as there is no such article in the CLASSIFIED contract.


Moving forward:

Good proposals and agreements are based on good information.  In February, 2023, CAUSE leadership began pursuing critical information directly related to the CLASSIFIED Bargaining process. (_ Information Request – RE- $2,000 Hiring Bonuses_INFORMATION REQUEST RE- Data, Statements, & External Agency and Business Partners _ Human Resources PPT Presentation @ CUSD Board Meeting Oct. 25, 2022 _)  Because the District had not provided a response, or arrived with the requested data, the Union resubmitted our requests for information; including several new questions that would better inform our discussions. (CAUSE – CLASSIFIED Questions (Initial) Contract Bargaining April 4, 2023)


The Union patiently awaits the District’s responses, as CUSD is obligated to provide the information relevant to our bargaining efforts.  In the meantime, we continue to develop our initial CLASSIFIED proposals, which cover the following contract articles:

  • Article 6: Compensation and Benefits
  • Article 14: Safety
  • Article 12: Leave Provisions


SURVEY (Member Priorities):

If you would like a better idea of the priorities CAUSE is focusing on, as we develop our proposals, you may review Q#2 from our recent CAUSE SURVEY. ()   CAUSE Leadership appreciates the participation of those CLASSIFIED employees who completed the survey and clarified their interests and priorities.

If you have yet to complete the survey, please take a moment to do so by following this link:



Communication & Participation:

As we continue the bargaining process, all members are strongly encouraged to provide us with their personal contact information:


  • full name & School Site
  • cell #
  • personal email address


This will allow CAUSE Leadership to communicate with District employees directly, while avoiding any obstruction associated with the use of email accounts.



Our next bargaining session is scheduled for April 19, 2023.  Please stay tuned for further communications on these matters.  Your participation and engagement is critical to the collective bargaining process and the results we can achieve.

In Unity,



  • j. Hotchner * CAUSE President
  • Gina Marchand * CAUSE Secretary
  • Arna Crittendon * CAUSE Representative
  • Cynthia Crewdson * CAUSE Representative
  • Felicity Moore * Retiree & Union Scribe
  • Kassi Harris – CFT Regional Representative


C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *



Voting Window
Dear Colleagues (Union Members):
      On March 3, 2023, comprehensive  TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS associated with the 2022-23 CERTIFICATED CBA  (Collective Bargaining Cycle) were reached.  CAUSE Leadership reminds all members that the voting window will remain open until April 3, 2023 @ 5:00 PM.
Union Members (only) may demonstrate their support for these agreements by submitting a ballot.
        * Submitted Via SURVEY MONKEY
(2) a PAPER BALLOT , which may be submitted it (IN-PERSON) directly at the upcoming GENERAL MEETING.
Monday, April 3, 2023   *   3:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Carpinteria Middle School, Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)
5351 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria, CA 93013
 Ph 805.684.4544
         * The Ballot must be directly submitted & verified by an official CAUSE Representative at your school-site
         * The ballot must be verified NO LATER THAN, April 3, 2023 @ 3:00 PM.
         * Ballots left in site-mailboxes will not be counted.

Update: Collective Bargaining

* March 3, 2023 *



Greetings CUSD Colleagues,

Today, the Bargaining partners reviewed the details of the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT.  Before an agreement could be reached, the Union was required to clarify areas of the District’s MULTI-YEAR calendar proposals where CUSD’s graphic-representations of the calendar did not accurately represent their proposed language; to the detriment of District personnel’s interests.  Fortunately, those discrepancies have been resolved.

Once the above was clarified, a comprehensive  TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS (2022-23 CERTIFICATED – Collective Bargaining Cycle) was reached.


Signed Certificated Tentative Agreement 03.03.2023.Executed

2022-2023 CUSD Calendar 5.13.22

2023-2024 CUSD Calendar Proposal

2024-2025 CUSD Calendar Proposal 3.3.23


[Note: We have also confirmed that all past practices and expectations to

extend our salary & benefit agreements to CLASSIFIED employees remain.

Therefore, in regard to salary and benefit increases, these

TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS serves as the foundation

for upcoming CLASSIFIED Bargaining, scheduled for April, 2023.]


In the following weeks, Union Leadership will clarify members’ opportunities  to confirm their support via the routine ratification process.  Union Leadership asks that every District employee review the attached documents and prepare to ratify the  TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS (2022-23 CERTIFICATED – Collective Bargaining Cycle) as soon as the process has been announced.

Your patience and voices have been instrumental throughout this process.  Union leadership appreciates your engagement and continued participation.

In Unity,

~ j. Hotchner * CAUSE President


* C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *



* School Board Meeting *

[ Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 2023 @ 5:30PM ]


The CUSD School Board Needs
to Hear from Teachers & Support Staff




In the event you missed Union Leadership’s statements at the most recent CUSD Board Meeting, held on Jan. 24, 2023, you may review them here:

Union leadership continues to encourage District employees to share their experience on topics of professionalism, workplace environment, contractual expectations, and/or student & staff safety.

To support that effort, Union leadership is providing these resources:

    1.) CUSD School Board Meeting (How to participate?); Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 2023 @ 5:30PM

    2.) Opportunities to Participate (Organizing Activities)

    3.) CUSD School Board Trustee Emails

    4.) California Public Records Act [CPRA]: What is it and how does one submit a “Public Request for Information“?



1.) CUSD School Board Meeting (How to participate?);

Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 2023 @ 5:30PM


* Closed (Confidential) Session begins at 4:30PM

* Open (Public) Session begins @ 5:30 PM  (Speakers should arrive by 5:15PM to complete speaker request slip.)

How? – Regarding opportunities for “PUBLIC COMMENT”:

Attendees may…

* speak, but are not required to speak

* speak to any item on the agenda

* may speak for 3 minutes on each agenda item

* speak to topics not on the agenda, during “Public Speaking Time For Items Not On The Agenda.

* who wish to speak must arrive early, to complete a short “Request for Speaker/Public Comment Minutes.

* are NOT required to attend the entire meeting

* may address the Board in English, Spanish, or the language of their choice.

* Wi-Fi is available for members of the public.


* Carpinteria City Hall – Council Chamber

5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria Ca. 93013

* Parking on west side of building and along street



2.) Opportunities to Participate (Organizing Activities)

We have provided a list (see attached PDF) that every District employees may use to help CUSD School Board members better understand and support teachers, support staff, students, and their families.


3.) CUSD School Board Trustees

(& their Email Addresses):

Although the Union is not releasing physical addresses, we are releasing all emails we have been provided…

Andy Sheaffer:

*   /

Sally Green:

*   /

Jaime Diamond:

*   /

Aaron Smith:

*   /   (personal email not provided)

Eric Bridgford:

*   /   (personal email not provided)



4.) California Public Records Act [CPRA]:

What is it and how does one submit a “Public Request for Information“?

This opportunity is available to ANY California citizen / community member, who wishes to better understand decisions, actions, or information related to a public institution, such as the CUSD.   The CPRA request allows a community member to pursue any records in the District’s possession or of the District’s creation that may provide insight into your area of inquiry.




If Union leadership can help you develop such a request, or answer any questions, feel free to contact us directly.   Let us know how we might further support your interests, concerns, and suggestions.

In Service,

` CAUSE Leadership



* C.A.U.S.E. – Yes We Can ! *